At The OGA Group, we understand the significance of leaving a lasting legacy and making a meaningful impact through charitable planning. Our Legacy and Charitable Planning service is designed to help you create a financial legacy that extends beyond your lifetime, supporting both your loved ones and the causes you care about. Our goal is to foster family harmony by clearly outlining your wishes and ensuring a smooth asset transfer process. We also strive to empower your philanthropy and maximize the impact of your charitable contributions.

Our Approach involves:

Maximizing the Power of Life Insurance: We explore the benefits of second-to-die life insurance policies that can provide a financial cushion for your heirs, insure a smooth transfer of wealth to your beneficiaries, leave a lasting legacy for future generations and contribute to the causes you are passionate about.  We will also incorporate existing life insurance strategically into your legacy plan to enhance the financial well-being of your loved ones and make recommendation to improve or rescue old underfunded insurance policies.

Charitable Planning Using Charitable Trusts: We will collaborate with your attorney to establish charitable trusts, either funded now or after your death.  We will also ensure that trusts are designed to align with your charitable objectives, leaving a lasting impact on the causes you support.

Comprehensive Roth Planning: We can show you ways to leverage Roth planning strategies to enhance the tax efficiency of your legacy and ensure your heirs receive assets in a tax-advantaged manner, preserving the value of your estate.

Beneficiary Review and Alignment: Regularly reviewing and updating beneficiaries across various accounts is crucial to ensure alignment with your evolving wishes and life changes. Periodic assessments help confirm that your designated beneficiaries accurately reflect your current intentions, safeguarding that your assets are distributed according to your desires in case of any unforeseen circumstances. This proactive approach ensures that your wishes are upheld and minimizes the potential for discrepancies in the distribution of your assets.

The OGA Group does not provide legal or tax advice. Consult with your attorney or independent tax advisor for advice specific to your situation.